You may have waited a long time for your hospital or specialist appointment. This handy
leaflet describes what you can expect to happen and help you get the most from your appointment.
– If the hospital starts you on a new medicine, check they have provided you with enough to last 14 days. In some cases your GP will not be able to prescribe certain medicines and you will need to continue to receive these from the hospital.
– Do you have a telephone number for the consultant or specialist if you have a question?
– If you need a sick note, ask the hospital to provide you with one that covers the length of time you should be off work. You should only ask your GP for one if your inability to work is unexpectedly prelonged.
– Ask if you need a follow up and if so, how will this be arranged? If you do not hear anything, contact the specialist’s office rather than the GP surgery.
– If you have a test or procedure, the specialist is responsible for arranging the test and giving your results and explaining what they mean.
– If you are being discharged from the hospital and you need care to help you recover from an illness or an operation, speak to the hospital before you leave. If hospital staff think you will need care they will arrange this
before you leave hospital. Speak to the person in charge of you going home to make sure this happens. Contact social services on 0300 123 4040 if you have been discharged and care hasn’t been arranged.