Bereavement Advice and Support

When someone dies, there are many things that need to be done, at an extremely difficult time when we least feel able to manage.

An expected death at home

Call us and the nearerst relative (if that’s not you). The doctor will issue a medical certificate that states the cause of death to allow the death to be registered. Once this has been issued, you can register the death. You should also contact a funeral director of your choice who will move the body.

An unexpected death at home

Call 999 and explain what has happened. The death may be reported to a coroner who investigates unexpected deaths. The police will usually attend to ask questions which may help the coroner to determine the cause of death. This is normal procedure.

Death in hospital

The hospital will talk you through whats needs to be done next.

Registering the death

A burial or cremation cannot go ahead until the death has been registered. Please click on this link for a step-by-step guide on how to register a death.

Help with funeral costs

You could get a Funeral Expenses Payment (also called a Funeral Payment) if you get certain benefits and need help to pay for a funeral you’re arranging.


Grief affects people in different ways, you could feel numb or in a state of shock, angry, overwhelmed or relieved. There’s no right or wrong way to grieve or understand loss. When you feel ready there are many organisations that can help you.


talking elephants

Counselling services for adults and children

Tel: 0203 488 6299


Bereavement support and self-care and for anyone affected by suicide

Bereavement Support

Tel: 0808 808 1677


Affected by the death of a baby?

Tel: 0808 164 3332

The Compassionate Friends

Supporting bereaved parents and their families

Tel: 0345 123 2304

The Hospice of St Francis – Berkhamsted

Support for family, friends and carers

WAY Foundation (Widowed and Young)

A national charity offering a social and support network for men and women who lost their partner when aged 50 or under.

Way Up

Support network for those widowed in their 50’s and 60’s

Road Victims Trust

Emotional and practical support to those affected by fatal and serious injury road collisions.

Tel: 01234 843345

Stand by Me

Stand-by-me bereavement support is here to help children & families in North Herts when someone close to them has died or is dying.

Tel: 07469 255 163