MSK Specialist First Contact Physiotherapist

If you have a musculoskeletal condition – something affecting your bones, soft tissue, muscles, joints, or ligaments – we have specialists working in our GP surgery who can help diagnose and get the treatment and support you need.

What is a First Contact Physio?

Our First Contact Physios (FCPs) are highly trained and experienced physiotherapists who serve as your first point of contact for musculoskeletal (soft tissue, muscle and joint pain) concerns.

What does a FCP do?

This is an assessment and advice service for those people registered with a GP surgery in Dacorum, who have a musculoskeletal problem such as soft tissue, muscle and joint pain,and to decide on the most appropriate management.

They can also:

  • Give expert advice on how best to manage conditions
  • Order investigations
  • Make referrals into secondary care services such as physiotherapists, using the same pathway as GPs.
  • Arrange prescriptions
  • Provide injection therapy.

Appointments will include self-management advice, social prescribing, and discussions about physical activity and fitness for work.

In most cases, you do not need to see your GP with these kinds of problems, so please book an appointment with one of our First Contact Physios instead of with your doctor.

Appointments times are usually longer, allowing sufficient time to discuss your concerns.

How do I book?

By completing an online consultation online form or over the phone if you do not have access to the internet.

You should ask for an FCP appointment, and in many cases, these will take place here, at Fernville.

In some instances, you may be offered an appointment in a nearby clinic, but this will not affect the care you will receive.

Urgent appointments at Fernville are triaged by the doctor, so even if you do not ask for one, you may be offered an appointment with this service if we believe it is the best option for your case.

Appointments cannot be made for children under 16 years of age.

What if I think I need to see a hospital Consultant?

Our First Contact Physios work very closely with the MSK service (Circle). This means that if clinically indicated, you will be referred to Circle health who will triage and refer on directly to Orthopaedics or Rheumatology.

Your FCP will discuss your options with you and help you reach the decision of what is best for you.